We help educate men and women from all walks of life –

They are professionals, educators, technicians and elected officials, laborers, business owners, parents and community activists. No matter what their current situation, they all have one thing in common: they were convicted of a criminal offense in the State of Connecticut.

Does this sound like you?

At some time in your past, you made a mistake. You were convicted of a crime, and you served your sentence or completed your probation or parole, and are now attempting to rebuild your life.

Perhaps you’ve already rebuilt your life – you’ve worked hard, and are now raising a family. You are a hard-working, good person who has a ‘spot’ on your record that is holding you back. You sometimes live in fear that someone will discover your past and hold it against you.

You’re afraid that you could lose a job that you love, that provides shelter and essentials for your family, or that your past becoming public knowledge could subject those you love to ridicule and persecution.

You don’t apply for supervisory positions or promotions at your job because you’re afraid that a background check might turn up your past indiscretion, even if it was more than 20 years ago. You have a degree or advanced training, but can’t put it to work because of your record.

It’s time to stop worrying about your past and DO something about it. If you have completed your parole and /or probation and have been conviction free 3 years after a misdemeanor or 5 years after a felony conviction, you could be eligible to apply for and receive a Connecticut Absolute Pardon or Certificate of Employability  that would erase your past conviction as if it never happened.