Getting Over the Brick Wall and Wiping the Slate Clean

Many men and women have been convicted of a crime and for the rest of their lives have to suffer for mistakes they made in the past.  Finding a career can be very difficult unless the employer is willing to give the applicant a second chance.  Getting over the brick wall can be stressful and inhibit a person to succeed in life.  It can have a major impact on families and continued education.  Having the resources to seal or expunge your convictions can be life changing for an individual. Our mission and commitment is to provide individuals with the most accurate and up-to-date information.  When time has passed and your convictions are behind you, it is time to move on.  We are here to help individuals in need of completing the application process. We are here to give advice and provide the necessary information to help individuals submit their applications to the Board of Pardons.  We are not legal advisors or in any way connected with any agency of the law.  This website is here to help a person with having a chance to apply for a pardon and change their life by “Wiping the Slate Clean.”

To Get Started With Your Absolute Pardon Application:

Review our list of services further below.

Once you have selected a service, you may complete your order online.
If you have any questions about our services, please Contact Us and we will be glad to assist you.
After you have completed your order, you will be automatically directed to an online form that will allow you to provide us with your Pardon information and needs.

Connecticut Pardon Team Services

Fee Structure

*** Accept All Major Credit Cards and PayPal ***

Assistance in obtaining Connecticut’s Pardon application. Full explanation of additional documents needed, and where and how to obtain them. Will interview participant to assist you in reporting facts of your arrest record, and aid you in building and including positive supportive information to the Pardon Board. The rehabilitation that you occurred since your conviction and full review of your completed Petition and pardon package to present to the board to optimize the petition’s effectiveness. You will be given a total of 4 hours of consultation in person or by phone.


By purchasing these services, you acknowledge having read the Disclaimer & Terms

We will review your completed pardon application prior to you submitting it to the Pardon board. We will take a day to look it over and make written suggestions for any improvements or changes to the application, making sure that you have every thing needed for you to submit the application.
By purchasing these services, you acknowledge having read the Disclaimer & Terms

E-Portal Entering/Uploading

Disclaimer & Terms


The Connecticut Pardon Team is a public resource of general information which is intended for information and education purposes only. No guarantee or warranty of any kind is made either expressly or implied. Nothing in this material shall be construed to be legal advice or the rendering of a legal opinion and no attorney-client relationship shall exist between the Connecticut Pardon Team or any of its employees or affiliates. The information contained herein shall not be a substitute for the advice of an attorney in your state or jurisdiction. Any use of the material in this site is the sole responsibility of the reader. Should this material be used or relied on by the reader, no specific outcome or result is guaranteed.

Any additional links provided on this website are for general information and should not be construed as a referral or an endorsement of that link. Nothing in this project shall be construed to be the rendering of legal advice or engaging in the practice of law.


All fees are final for services rendered to the participant. Fees are non-negotiable and cover only services described above. Participants are expected to begin their pardon application within ninety days of purchase. Failure to do so can result in all fees being forfeited and considered earned in full by the Connecticut Pardon Team. If you require services from the Connecticut Pardon Team beyond 90 days period, additional fees may be required.

The Connecticut Pardon Team will not be responsible or held liable for any information in the content of the petition that has been provided by the participant. Participants warrant that the information provided is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.

The Connecticut Pardon team does not have the authority to grant or deny expungement pardons or provisional pardons. WE are not responsible for the decision of the Connecticut Board of Pardons. Once the application has been completed, the Connecticut Pardon Team has no further obligation to the participant. It is the participant’s responsibility to submit the application to the Board of Pardons and Parole.

If a participant should need The Connecticut Pardon Team’s services to resubmit an application to the Board of Pardons, additional fees may be required.


Payment Options

Payment Type Notes
Money Order USPS Money Orders preferred.
Credit Cards We now accept all major credit cards – VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and Debit cards.
PayPal PayPal payments are currently accepted for those who have PayPal accounts.